US Boarding Schools Admissions

Our US Boarding Schools Application Services

1. Consultation

Meet with our experienced consultants to identify individual strengths and needs.

4. Exam Prep

Arrange academic tutorials to prepare student for standardized tests, such as SSAT and ISEE.

2. Strategy

Design customized plan with an optimal school list that best aligns with the student's interests.

5. Interviews

Provide interview coaching delivered by experts, followed by a detailed and comprehensive report.

3. Applications

Assist in portfolio compilation, application submission and school visit arrangements.

6. Full Support

Communicate with schools on behalf of the family and offer advice on school decisions.

Why Ampla?

Unparalleled team

With all of our US consultants having studied at US boarding schools, we are best positioned to advise families.

One-stop solution

Benefit from Ampla’s one-stop all inclusive education consulting services to amplify your child’s success.

Customized Services

We tailor all our services and teaching approaches to adapt to your family’s unique needs.

Placement Rate
1 %

We adopt a flexible and  realistic approach to accommodate each of our client’s needs.


  • Phillips Academy Andover
  • Phillips Exeter Academy
  • Choate Rosemary Hall
  • Deerfield Academy
  • The Loomis Chaffee School
  • Dana Hall School
  • Stevenson School
  • The Webb School

and more

US Boarding Schools Applications Overview

Each school has slightly different deadlines and entry requirements. US Boarding Schools Application to competitive top schools should be prepared 12-18 months in advance.

Stage 1 – Finding the right school for your child

1.5-3 years before entry

  • Understand the strengths and interests of your child
  • Take our diagnostic tests to identify your child’s academic positioning and find the most suitable schools
  • Consult our education consultants for advice on suitable schools
    • Reach: schools that are competitive to get into
    • Target: schools with moderate chances of acceptance
    • Safety: schools that would very likely accept your child

Stage 2 – School Visits

1-2 years before entry

  • A chance for you and your child to see the school, its facilities, staff, students and the local area
  • Private visits can be arranged
  • We can arrange US boarding school educated consultants to accompany your family on school visits/ interviews, and provide counselling advice throughout
  • Some schools may even conduct interviews during your visit

*Remember first impressions definitely still count in these visits so book a session with our expert interview coaches before visiting the schools

Stage 3 – Registration

One year before entry

  • Register for required tests accordingly, e.g. SSAT/ ISEE/ TOEFL
  • Understand the requirements for the applications of each school. A general application package consists of:
    • General Information
    • Applicant Questionnaire
    • Parent Questionnaire
    • Teacher Recommendation Form
    • Head/Principal/Counselor Recommendation Form   
    • Some schools require students to submit a hand-written letter or supplementary essays
  • Our experienced consultants can guide you through the application process, reviewing and editing the documents before submission

Stage 4 – Entrance Examinations & Interview

  • Our dedicated consultant will help you set goals and devise a study plan
  • Arrange test preparation for SSAT/ ISEE/ TOEFL
  • Offer face-to-face/ online tutorials with our experienced tutors


  • Most schools interview students. They can be done during a visit, as part of the entrance assessments, or by Skype

Stage 5 – Results

Around March

  • Schools make formal offers of places after reviewing the student’s application, and performance in entrance exams and interviews
  • We provide waitlist assistance and advice on school decisions by analyzing the school and student profile

Stage 6 – Post-Application Support

  • We assist with visa applications and other additional arrangements
  • Practical information regarding medical, uniform and school holiday arrangements

US Boarding Schools Application Timeline

Depending on the student’s age, below are different possible entry routes:

US Boarding Schools Admissions Timeline

US Schools Admissions

From consultation, school selection, applications essays guidance to SSAT/ ISEE preparation and interview coaching, Ampla supports your family along the application process.

Consulting Services

Admissions Success

Our consultants have helped students gain admission to Andover, Exeter, Choate, Deerfield, Loomis Chaffee, Dana Hall, Stevenson, The Webb School and more.

US Boarding School Applications

Entrance Exams

Designed and delivered by Ampla's Ivy League and Oxbridge tutors, our customized courses provide excellent preparation for students taking SSAT/ ISEE.

Exam Prep

Complimentary Consultation

Contact us now to schedule a mock test and arrange a complimentary meeting with our dedicated US boarding school specialists.