11+ Reading Comprehension Tips

The texts used for the comprehension may be factual or fiction, and they may be extracts from classic texts, such as Dickens, Hardy or Orwell, which may contain language that students have rarely seen before.

Here are some useful strategies and tips to help you improve your comprehension skills.

  • Headings and sub-headings: remember to read them so you can easily navigate back to the relevant parts needed for each of the subsequent questions.

  • Reading: read through the entire text thoroughly but also quickly.

  • Note-taking: jot down key points in the margin next to each paragraph to remind yourself of the main ideas and to make it easier to find the paragraph when answering questions.

  • Underlining keywords: underline or highlight any headings, phrases, keywords that may help in answering questions.

  • Answering questions: move on to the question section after you have read through the text once. 

    • Be sure to check the text and not rely completely on your memory. Comprehension questions often have similar wordings or facts which might confuse you if you try to answer from memory.
    •  Avoid copying passages directly. Try to write in your own words.
    • Proofread what you have written.
    • Avoid using knowledge from outside the passage even if you have read the book the extract was taken from.
  • Marks allocation: spend more time on questions with more marks and vice versa.

  • Review words such as metaphor, simile and personification before the exam.



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