Applying to Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate

Queen Ethelburgas QE

Key Information

Queen Ethelburga’s welcomes girls and boys from 3 months and support them through the four schools – Chapter House (3 months to Year 5), King’s Magna (Year 6 to 9), The College and Faculty (both Year 10 to 13) – to become resilient, confident and independent young adults who are well prepared for their future.  

QE is known locally, nationally and internationally as a place that promotes the highest standards in all that it does. Their reputation has grown considerably over recent years due to their drive to ensure that the outcomes for QE students, across all areas of their endeavour and aspiration, match those of the world’s best schools.


College Summary

  • Type of school: Co-educational
  • Age range: 14-20
  • Pupils: 1062
  • Boarders: 76%
  • Fees: £16,005-£19,200 per term
  • 2022 A Level Results: 80.9% A*-A
  • 2022 GCSE Results: 83% 9-7



The College, following a traditional curriculum with a full academic study programme, offers two-year A Level programmes, two-year GCSEs (students can take up to 12 subjects), as well as one-year GCSE course for students joining from other education systems or schools.

The Faculty, offering a range of A-Level options or the BTEC route, allows students to combine academics with more creative and vocational options.


GCSEs: 14+/ Key Stage 4 Curriculum 

Key Stage 4 students work towards GCSEs in up to 12 subjects, depending on their interests and abilities. Those with strengths in English will do both English Language and Literature, strong mathematicians will complete both GCSE Maths and Further Maths, and those with a passion for Science can take separate science GCSEs in Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

In addition, students can choose up to 4 optional GCSE subjects.

For their optional subjects, the College has a relatively unique approach with students choosing 2 GCSEs at the beginning of Year 10 with the aim of taking examinations in these at the end of the year. Those that do and gain grades 7 and above, choose 2 further GCSE options in Year 11. This fast-track approach is beneficial in providing challenge and a clear academic focus for both years of the course.

GCSEs are available in a range of subjects including in Social Science and Humanities subjects, in Modern Foreign Languages and the Creative Arts.

For those students with English as an Additional Language, it may also be possible to take a GCSE in their own language.

The College also offers a 1 year GCSE course for those students joining from other education systems or other schools.


16+ Curriculum

A-Level (at College)

Students in the College choose 4 A Levels from a wide range of more than 20 options. Courses are offered in Mathematics, English, Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, Languages, Creative and Performing Arts, often with more than one class in each subject allowing most subject combinations to be possible.

At the end of Year 12, College students take AS examinations to help provide an external benchmark for their progress and to support with reliable predicted grades for university applications. These grades also help in the decisions over any subject students may wish to drop before commencing Year 13 studies, and thus ensure they gain an AS qualification. Most students will go onto complete 3 full A Levels at the end of the course though some may continue with all 4.

In addition, the College also offers the Extended Project Qualification, highly prized by universities and helping to build on students’ independence and research skills. This is most usually completed in Year 12 but can also be undertaken in Year 13 if required.


A-Level and/or BTEC at Faculty

Students can choose to follow a wholly A Level or BTEC route, or one that combines both qualifications. Students who wish to specialise in one subject are advised to consider the BTEC options, where study can be in greater depth in areas such as Art and Design, Performing Arts, Sport, Fashion, ICT, Music, Business or Science. 




Chapter House Early Years to Nursery (from 3 months old): Children can attend Chapter House at any point during the academic year. Students move up to Reception when they are four.

Chapter House Infants and Juniors (Reception to Year 5): Children attend Reception in the September after they are four and can join in subsequent years. In Year 5 students are prepared for transition into King’s Magna.  

King’s Magna (Year 6 to Year 9): Students attend King’s Magna when they reach Year 6 and can join in subsequent years. In Year 9 students are prepared for transition into the College or the Faculty. 

The College (Year 10 to Year 13): Students can join the College at the beginning of Year 10 or Year 12. They follow a traditional academic route towards higher education, through GCSE and A Level courses.  

The Faculty (Year 10 to Year 13): Students can join the Faculty at the beginning of Year 10 or Year 12. They follow a personalised pathway of academic, creative or vocational courses designed to enable them to progress towards higher education or employment.  


  • Stage 1: Enquiring
    • Send us your current school report 
  •  Stage 2: Registering
    •  We will send you an application form and an application essay for you to complete
  • Stage 3: Assessments
    • Interviews will be scheduled after the online assessments in English, Maths, Reasoning
  • Stage 4: Results
    • Results will be released within a few weeks


Why should you apply to study at Queen Ethelburga’s?

  • Consistently ranking amongst the top 10 day and boarding schools in the UK
  • Known locally, nationally and internationally as a place that promotes the highest standards
  • The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) awarded the Collegiate the top grading of Excellent across all schools and areas, following an inspection in February 2019, praising the pupils’ outstanding academic achievements and personal development.


How Ampla Education can help

We provide all inclusive school placement services:

  • Shortlist best fit schools that match your needs
  • Submit school applications and any supporting documents that can strengthen your application
  • Provide exam preparation and interview coaching lessons, both online or in-person (in Hong Kong/ UK)
  • Arrange school tours (if you can visit the UK)
  • Help you choose suitable UK based guardians
  • Advise on final school selection
  • Apply for Student Visa (or alternate visas)
  • Ensure a smooth arrival in the UK

To find out more about Ampla Education’s test preparation courses and boarding school application services, contact us at


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