CAT4 UK Test Preparation

What is CAT4?

CAT4 is a Cognitive Abilities Test used by many UK schools to help them assess pupils’ (current) developed abilities and (future) academic potential. This allows schools to support pupils in the right way to ensure that they achieve their highest potential.

The CAT4 consists of questions including:

Verbal Reasoning (VR),

Non Verbal Reasoning (NVR),

Quantitative Reasoning (QR),

Spatial Awareness (SA).

Questions are in multiple-choice format and there are five answers to choose from, labelled A-E.

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CAT4 sample question


Question Types

  1. Figure Classification (10 mins)

  2. Figure Matrices (10 mins)

  3. Verbal Classification (8 mins)

  4. Verbal Analogies (8 mins)

  5. Number Analogies (10 mins)

  6. Number Series (8 mins)

  7. Figure Analysis (9 mins)

  8. Figure Recognition (9 mins)

Question Details

1. Figure Classification

There will be three similar shapes shown. For example, they may all be coloured in black. The student will have to find out the similarities and choose the most suitable answer from the given choices.

2. Figure Matrices

Students have to find the missing shape that most logically completes the pattern. 

3. Verbal Classification

There will be a list of similar words. For example, a set of colours, ‘yellow’, ‘red’ and ‘white’. The student will have to find out the similarities (eg they are all colours in the example) and choose the most suitable answer from the given choices.

4. Verbal Analogies

There will be a set of three words. The first two words form a pair of antonyms or synonyms. The third word will pair up with one of the answer choices in the same way.

5. Number Analogies

There will be two pairs of numbers connected by some kind of operation eg add, subtract, multiply or divide. The extra number will pair up with one of the answer choices using the same rule.

6. Number Series

There will be a series of numbers. The student will have to work out the rule(s) used to order the numbers and decide the next term in the series.

7. Figure Analysis

This type is related to symmetry. For example the given diagram is an image of a folded piece paper with holes cut through it. The student will have to work out what the piece of paper would look like when laid out unfolded.

8. Figure Recognition

Students have to recognise the target shape hidden in the question.


Ampla’s CAT4 Test Prep Courses

Following our initial assessment, students will receive a customised plan based on the following curriculum which is designed to imitate UK school assessments. Our course highlights include:

To find out more about Ampla Education’s test preparation courses and boarding school application services, contact us at


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