Preparing for Virtual Assessments

March 03, 2021 

Virtual School Assessment Guidelines


Online Test


  •       Common sections include Maths, English, Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Stay focussed
  • Be sure to read the instructions and questions carefully, eg can you go back to the previous question once you have moved on? Do you get marks deducted if you select the wrong answer? If not, always try to select an answer.
  • Do mock tests in advance.
  • Keep an eye on the time and bring a watch with you in case an online timer is not available. 

Group Exercise


  • Many schools have adapted their assessment activities to be delivered online and the aim is to assess whether applicants are displaying the competencies the schools are looking for.
  • Students might be asked to complete a task as a group using an online webinar platform to discuss.
  • Schools are looking for leadership and cooperation skills, so don’t be afraid to take the lead but also don’t forget to demonstrate how to work together as a team.
  • Contribute to discussions and be sure to respect others’ opinions by constantly listening and bringing others into the conversation.
  • Virtual assessment etiquette is important. Raise a hand as a cue that you would like to contribute to a discussion.
  • Mute your microphone unless you are talking as background noise can make it difficult for others to hear.



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© Ampla Education  -  Unauthorised use of this material without permission is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full credit is given to Ampla Education.

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